Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All True Gentleman Flock to Fishing

Something that I have noticed about fishing is the generosity of other fisherman. I don’t know if it is the joy of knowing another shares your passion or that all true gentleman flock to fishing but I have met nothing but nice guys in the fishing community.

Community is the only way I can describe what I have found with all the fishermen I have met. As in every community there is your occasional @$$hol3 but I will not give them any attention. I have noticed a respect, a generosity, and an understanding that we take care of our own.

I am part of a forum where one of the members made a forum called “Pay it forward.” The point is to offer up something that you have extra and give it to whoever responds. That person would then pay it forward and give something to the next member. All that to say that I responded to a gentleman who calls himself JTrick and he sent me an assortment of Steelhead Flies. The guy didn’t ask for anything in return, he even paid for postage. All I had extra was the fly fishing vest I received for my birthday (I greatly appreciated the gift; it just didn’t fit me AT ALL! That’s the only reason I gave it away, didn’t mean to be a jerk.)

Anyway, I started thinking about what it has been like to become a fisherman and join this community full of generous souls. From my buddy that gave me my first little tackle box when I came back to fishing, My buddy Sean who always took me salmon fishing and never took my gas money offers, my buddy Brian Who Blogs over at The Rogue Outdoors who sent me a bunch of awesome flies, and of course my buddy Mark who blogs over at Northern California Trout, who taught me how to fly fish, has given me flies and bought me lunch, etc. I realize that for me, fishing has been a fantastic experience and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I never take things for granted so if you ever shared anything with me, I greatly appreciate your generosity.

I only hope I can be as generous in my everyday life as all of you have taught me through fishing.


  1. I love that you labeled this Camaraderie, its very true. The fishing world is full of generous souls. Hope someday to cast a line with you sir.

    1. It sure is! I am glad to be a part of this generous fishing world! And Yes, we will definitely wet a line someday!

  2. J. one of the reasons that I have loved blogging for all these years is because of the wonderful sense of "community" that blogging about fishing has brought too me. I refer to you all as BlogBuddies. Each of you have become a member of my extended family. What a great idea from the forum to "pay it forward". Hope to share a lot with you over the coming times.

    1. I am always excited to share my successes and failures with you guys! I know you guys always have encouraging words and yet keep me accountable as a fellow fishermen, I appreciate it!!

  3. Pretty much all family except that guy in the boat. You know which one I'm talking about.

    1. Haha the guy in melones? Crazy guy is not welcome in the family!

  4. J
    I knew I was communicating with a special group of guys even before my break in occurred. I am not surprised by the generosity that has come my way because of what happened to me. I have been doing the fishing thing for a long time now and have to say that individuals who fish are some of the most caring individuals you will ever want to me. I can honestly say I have never met a fisherman I didn’t like and would want to fish with. I have met a couple of my bloggers Mark and Jay and both these guys are individuals I would form a lasting fishing friendship with. I hope one day I can meet you in person and we can make a fishing trip happen for us. Thanks for sharing

    1. We will definitely have to fish together someday! I agree, these guys are "good fellows!" I have met a couple of guys I didn't like, but usually because they are rude. Oh well, there are jerks in every group i guess.

  5. Well said J. Paying it forward reaps its own rewards and you will continue to find out. Good job.

    1. It certainly does, Howard. Generosity is a great value to have not just in fishing but in life.
